Siddhartha Shakyamuni, as he was originally known and eventually to be named the Noble One the Buddha, lived over 2500 years ago and continues to live in our own realisation. He taught a direct path to understanding how we create our own suffering and a path of liberation from what is not to what IS. I refer to the Buddha as the original pragmatic psychotherapist bent on unveiling the Truth, the dharma. This truth is not one that was invented or discovered by the Buddha only, it is our original nature, the fully lived NOW in its nakedness. My journey with Buddhism began as a teenager when I read Suzuki Roshi’s book, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. This was a pivotal introduction into Buddha Nature- our original state of Being. I then began a 40 year journey into the Buddhadharma soaking my entire being into the teachings and cherishing most deeply what the Buddha attained with his fervent, persistent, unshakeable efforts to look directly into the source of our true nature. In the last few years, I have read several books about the Buddha’s life and especially his life as a meditator and I am left in awe and tears to a man that was relentless in his pursuit of the cessation of suffering. All day, I walk alongside the Buddha in my heart and I am reminded to always stay close to the suchness of life- vivid, expansive, luminous, and loving. I aspire to embody those qualities for the benefit of all beings.