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Love: Forget Everything You Think You Know About Love

We all want to feel love, give love, receive love, be love, in love… but what is love remains so often a mystery to us. 


Why is the driving force of life, a primary mover of beings so implicitly tied to love lost and found, love heartache and despair, love seeking and yet feeling empty. What is truly going on with love?

We can feel the pull of love from our earliest memories that show up as a desire to be with and share experience, as though the sharing is vital to our breathing. 

That sharing is crucial is seeing ourselves and experiencing a fullness, albeit temporary. And it’s this temporary seemingly complete feeling we chase and combine it with our karmic tendencies and families of origin and we get a limited Myopic lens by which we define and experience love. 

This form of love serves to keep us trapped in the vicious loop of being addicted to the temporary aha of loves – grand potential of the big aha, freedom that we fall prey to its power. Therefore, all seeking of this type of love is based on meeting the criteria for its own sake which is often built around comfort and safety within the addiction. 

We are truly love junkies. 

What we miss in all of this – the potential for our own freedom and wholeness and as painful we objectify the other, our supposed love object, into a source of feeding us our drug, glimpses of wholeness. 

Forget everything you have ever known about love… 

Step into the craving for the other and recognize you are in a barren desert all alone and desperate to grasp on to any drop of water to quench what cannot be in any ordinary sense. 

Step into the abyss, because only then will you recognize that your thirst for something temporary will reveal the groundless ground you are seeking called divine love, and only then can two people really meet, because then they see themselves first and foremost as being love itself and that they will be seen and loved by others, essentially what we are seeking. 

Forget about the love you think you know. Empty yourself of all your assumptions and be afraid because it’s the fear that signals the old ways, because the ego loves the smell of fear as a guise for staying the course of limitations and imitations. Do you want a facsimile of love or do you want the grand boom of ecstatic joy that pours endlessly from your soul? What do you choose?

About Alex Boianghu

Journey to Wholeness - About Alex Boianghu - Psychotherapist | Love

With Journey to Wholeness, my aim is to make psychotherapy readily available to everyone around the world in the comfort and privacy of their homes.

From my perspective, the goal of therapy is to let go of outdated ways of living that make you feel “stuck” or “in survival mode”, so that you can live in freedom, joy and success.

I have been trained in both Eastern and Western psychology and philosophy, and I approach therapy in a way that integrates insights from both traditions. In addition, I have specialized in addiction and trauma treatment for the last 12 years and I incorporate EMDR method (Eye Movement Desensitization and Re-processsing) as the cutting-edge tool towards healing.

I am also trained as a Couples’ Therapist and work with couples through all stages of relationship in helping them understand and heal themselves within the context of relationship.

In addition to psychotherapy, I am offering a variety of courses, practices, articles and videos covering a wide range of psycho-spiritual topics. Please feel free to get in touch with me for a free 15-minute consultation in which we can address your questions and discuss a plan of action for your specific needs.

I am deeply moved to walk together on the path of healing with YOU.  Join me!

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