The mystery of the immaterial world informs and creates our material experience. This means that you and your life experience are manifested from your immaterial Being, not your egoic self. As you align with and rest in Beingness, life’s magic comes to the surface, suffering recedes, addictions fade and you come into a rhythm where you flow with life rather than trying to get life to conform to your conditioned desires. This is the second episode in the Journey of Consciousness series with Alex Boianghu.
Enjoy a free bonus meditation by Alex that helps cultivate wholeness in your whole body and being at:
Learn how this works & much more in this CONVERSATIONS from the EDGE episode with meditation teacher & psycho-spiritual therapist Alex Boianghu and host Kristine Madera
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Instagram @alex_boianghu
Free Wholeness Meditation
Thanks Admiral Bob! Podcast Music: Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license— Support this podcast: