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Welcome to Journey to Wholeness!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome…

Journey to Wholeness is the evolution and culmination of a life’s work and exploration of psyche and soul. After 25 years of in-person service, I have transitioned to a full-time virtual psychotherapy practice working with people all over the world.

For the past 2 years, I have had the honor and privilege to work with people coming from all over the world and from a rich diversity of cultures. What I have witnessed on the journey with all my fellow travelers is that everyone in the world seeks guidance and support along the path towards wholeness. Regardless of culture, socio-economic status, gender, race, or religion, all human beings need the support of others.

I envision and experience Journey to Wholeness - About Alex Boianghu - Psychotherapist | Welcomepsychotherapy as an art form; it is an expression of who I am and what I was meant to do in this lifetime. For me, therapy – or, as I experience it, the contemplation and meditation upon Being – is not something I do but something I am. My guiding force for working with others is to remind them of their innermost truth and the healing that resides within. Journey to Wholeness began during a period where I experienced profound life transitions and followed my inner calling for a rebirth.

As the transition unfolded, I started to do psychotherapy virtually and realized the need for therapy throughout the world.

Those of us in countries where mental health services are readily available are very fortunate, because what I have learned is that, in most of the world, psychotherapy is generally unaccepted and viewed as primarily assigned to those considered as “crazy”. This unfortunate stigma and complete misunderstanding of psychotherapy has created a world in which many people suffer needlessly and without access to appropriate mental health services.

With Journey to Wholeness, my aim is to make psychotherapy readily available to everyone around the world in the comfort and privacy of their homes.

In addition to psychotherapy, I am offering a variety of courses, practices, articles and videos covering a wide range of psycho-spiritual topics. Please feel free to get in touch with me for a free 15-minute consultation in which we can address your questions and discuss a plan of action for your specific needs.

I am deeply moved to walk together on the path of healing with YOU.  Join me!

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