Turning trauma into healing | Alex Boianghu Alex Boianghu, LPC, EMDR is a gifted therapist who works with individuals and couples. He has more than 25 years of experience of clinical work utilizing an integrative holistic approach with an emphasis on healing trauma through integrative somatic therapy, EMDR, and nonduality therapy. He also uses EMDR, a technique that is effective in the treatment of PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, trauma, abuse & anxiety. Alex knows that healing happens when people integrate their past into the present. Integrating mind, body & spirit in a safe and confidential atmosphere, he assists you in self- discovery and the identification of unhealthy patterns that keep repeating in your life to help reclaim the aspects of your life that you are seeking, as well as raising awareness and creating new possibilities.
Topics covered in this episode: • Trauma is a need looking to get filled verses a break that needs to be glued back together. • The theory of EMDR. • Different ways that we ignore or push away trauma. • Breath work, meditation, and bodily awareness. • How to get into the awareness of the body. • Non-dual meditation Oola is about making the commitment to change, and then going through the growth that it takes to change into a better person. It helps you set a series of small goals.
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