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Journey to Wholeness - Online Psychotherapy

5 Steps to Conquer Compulsions and Obsessions

5 Steps to Conquer Compulsions and Obsessions 1

Compulsions and obsessions are the extreme expressions at grasping with the belief that the objects grasped will provide relief and satisfaction. What we inevitability create through this cycle is suffering because the subject-object duality is reinforced in compulsions. There is the belief in the existence of a subject that is deficient and unworthy that can […]

The Great Illusion: I Will Be Happy When…

The Great Illusion: I Will Be Happy When... 2

I will be happy when…  From birth, we are conditioned to the stories and myths of our family which include culture, religion, and all other various forms of social constructs. When we step back to look throughout the world’s diverse cultures, of course we see that outwardly there are really some differences but the goal […]

Doorways to Wholeness: Leaving Suffering and Tension in the Past

Doorways to Wholeness: Leaving Suffering and Tension in the Past 3

We live moment by moment with a tension which if we are honest about, and turn our attention towards, we will realize that we are in a constant state of being tight, bound up, contracted, defensive, restricted. It’s obvious to ALL of us and yet like the elephant in the room we continue with our […]

Welcome to Journey to Wholeness!

Journey to Wholeness - World Wide Psychotherapy

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome… Journey to Wholeness is the evolution and culmination of a life’s work and exploration of psyche and soul. After 25 years of in-person service, I have transitioned to a full-time virtual psychotherapy practice working with people all over the world. For the past 2 years, I have had the honor and privilege […]

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